Yesterday morning, the Association des retraité(e)s salarié(e)s de GM Québec (ARSGMQ) donated $4,312.41 to the Fondation Hôpital Saint-Eustache.

This Association, founded in 1993, aims to connect retirees from General Motors in the Province of Québec, including those from various divisions such as the Boisbriand plant, the Truck Center, GMAC, MHD, MIC, and the Pointe-Claire Zone. For 30 years, the Association organized three main activities: a golf day, a Christmas dinner, and a visit to a traditional sugar shack, to keep its members together. In addition, the Association’s quarterly newsletter, Info*News, helped members stay in touch even at a distance. Unfortunately, at the Annual General Meeting held in August, the members had no choice but to dissolve the Association because of a lack of a successor. The members however, decided unanimously to donate the Association’s remaining funds to the Fondation Hôpital Saint-Eustache, which serves the region home to most of its members.

General Motors and its retired employees have always been active participants in the social, cultural, and sporting events of the communities they belong to. The company’s recent donation is a contribution to a charity that all its members recognize as being extremely valuable.

The Fondation Hôpital Saint-Eustache pledged to acquire equipment worth $655,615 for Hôpital Saint-Eustache in 2023. This donation is greatly appreciated, as it will help the Fondation carry out its mission. With the arrival of nuclear medicine in 2024, the expansion and modernization of the Emergency Department, the addition of a short-term mental health hospitalization unit and the demands of several departments, all will benefit from this generous donation.

The Fondation is immensely grateful for the generous donation from the now-dissolved Association. The photo depicts the pride of these representatives and passion they share in giving back to the community. In this photo, from left to right: Jean-Pierre Dorais, Jean-Marc Côté, Lyne Des Trois Maisons, directrice générale de la Fondation, Élias Blouin et Jean-Pierre Janelle. In the back row, from left to right: Richard Marr, Jim Colmer, Raymond Clément et Lorraine Thériault.

For more information, to donate, or to attend one of our events, please contact the Fondation at 450 974-8229 or visit our website at