Sale of Christmas trees with Bôsapin

Automn 2022

Campaign is over. Thanks to all participants!

$577.06 raised!
Home / Events / Sale of Christmas trees with Bôsapin

From September to December 2022, the Fondation Hôpital Saint-Eustache hosted their annual sale of Christmas trees and decorations in collaboration with Bôsapin. Through a link provided by the Fondation, buyers were given a 20% discount per item sold via:

This year’s campaign raised a total of $577.06 for the FHSE, setting a record! The Foundation extends their heartfelt gratitude to all who placed orders.

Wondering what the Bôsapin campaign entails?

Bôsapin a convenient service that enables you to select your tree every year from the comfort of your home using the hyperlink provided by the Foundation. The tree is then delivered to your doorstep at the scheduled time. A member of their dedicated team wearing a nutcracker uniform will install your tree and wish you and your family a joyous holiday season!

You don’t have to be present during delivery. Just specify in your order where the tree can be dropped off. A confirmation email will be sent with the exact delivery time 2-3 days before the delivery date. However, if you opt for a cash payment, you must be present during delivery.

Stay tuned for updates on the next campaign starting in fall 2023!