The Saint-Eustache Hospital provides services to more than 300,000 people. It includes the RCM of Deux-Montagnes, the RCM of Thérèse-De Blainville and the southern part of the RCM of Mirabel. As a community hospital, it also provides specialized care and services.

History of Saint-Eustache Hospital in a nutshell

The first patients

On March 9th, the first patients were admitted to the Saint-Eustache Hospital, which was known as Hôpital Général des Deux-Montagnes. At that time, the hospital was a private institution with a 94-bed capacity.

Expansion of the Saint-Eustache Hospital

Expansion of the Saint-Eustache Hospital to accommodate outpatient clinics, the emergency room and the observation room.

Hospital’s first expansion

The first construction phase of the Hospital’s expansion and renovation was completed with the erection of a new building to hold all of the care units.

Second construction phase

The second construction phase was completed, with the demolition of the extension built in 1976, the addition of a section connecting the old building to the new one, and the rehabilitation of the old building.


The Centre hospitalier Saint-Eustache and the Regroupement CLSC Jean-Olivier-Chénier-CHSLD de la Rive et de Mirabel merged to form the CSSS du Lac-des-Deux-Montagnes.

bébé en pédiatrie à l'hôpital Saint-Eustache

Award by the World Health Organization and UNICEF

The Saint-Eustache Hospital was awarded the “Baby-Friendly Hospital” certification by the World Health Organization and UNICEF for the protection, support and promotion of breastfeeding.

6,000 sq m


The expansion of 6,000 sq m at the Saint-Eustache Hospital began by adding an additional floor, more operating rooms and endoscopy rooms, more intensive care beds and by developing ambulatory services. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) service was also added to the project. The project represents a total investment of $47M of which $2M was financed by the Fondation Hôpital Saint-Eustache.

Purchase of a piece of land bordering the hospital

The Foundation purchased a piece of land bordering the hospital to erect a 3-storey building. This new building allowed the CISSS des Laurentides to provide the 30,000 square feet of leased space that it needs to provide local services and care.

CISSS des Laurentides

The CSSS du Lac-des-Deux-Montagnes was replaced by the CISSS des Laurentides, a new regional entity.


Launch of the 5th major fundraising campaign

Launch of the 5th major fundraising campaign with a target of $5M to build a cancer centre.

Grand opening of the Outpatient Renal Dialysis Centre

Grand opening of the Outpatient Renal Dialysis Centre in May, in the building acquired by the Foundation in 2013.

Grand opening of the Alain Germain Cancer Centre

Grand opening of the Alain Germain Cancer Centre in May, in the building acquired by the Foundation in 2013, for a total investment of $3.5M by the Foundation.

The building housing the Alain Germain Cancer Centre

The building housing the Alain Germain Cancer Centre and the Outpatient Renal Dialysis Centre became the Centre de santé Desjardins following a partnership agreement worth over $500,000.

Saint-Eustache Hospital: facts and figures

349 beds

The Saint-Eustache Hospital contains 349 inpatient beds.

48,000 patients

More than 48,000 patients come to the emergency department annually, of which more than 14,500 arrive by ambulance.

1,500 babies

Over 1,500 babies are born each year at the Saint-Eustache Hospital.

3,300 patients

More than 3,300 patients are admitted to the Saint-Eustache Hospital for medical procedures requiring post-operative hospitalization.

4,000 patients

More than 4,000 patients use the hospital’s facilities for day surgery.

16,700 treatments

More than 16,700 treatments are administered to over 125 patients at the Renal Dialysis Outpatient Centre.

4,000 treatments

More than 4,000 treatments are administered to over 11,300 patients at the Alain Germain Cancer Centre.

200 physicians

There are 200 physicians practicing at the Saint-Eustache Hospital, including 115 specialists and 91 general practitioners.

Specialties of the Saint-Eustache Hospital

Anatomical Pathology



General Surgery

Orthopaedic Surgery

Plastic Surgery

Vascular Surgery


Geriatric Medicine

Hematology and Oncology

Emergency Medicine

Internal Medicine


Medical Microbiology



Obstetrics and Gynecology


General Paediatrics


Adult Psychiatry

Child Psychiatry

Diagnostic Radiology
